Apple iOS 7.1 hits 12 percent adoption

Just 45 hours after its release on Monday, iOS 7.1 has snagged 12 percent of all iOS Web traffic seen by Chitika for North America.In this regard, iOS 7.1 adoption has taken off at a rate close to that for iOS 7.0.6, Chitika said Wednesday. Launched on February 21, iOS 7.0.6 reached a 13.3 percent adoption within 48 hours. Given Apple's notification process for new updates, future minor iOS 7 version updates will likely see comparable levels of adoption, according to the ad network.The latest adoption rate for iOS 7.1 doubles the 6 percent seen by Chitika just 24 hours after its debut.To generate its data, Chitika pored through tens of millions of online ad impressions from iOS devices in the US and Canada from March 9 through March 12. Overall, iOS 7 users captured more than 80 percent of all iOS traffic during this latest stretch.Apple packed iOS 7.1 with new features such as CarPlay and tweaks to Siri, Touch ID, and iTunes Radio.Update, 8:20 a.m. PT Added latest data from Chitika.